Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy easter, and then some

Greatest feast of the year. Dropping by my parents'. Boy, it's hot.

Some of my friends have joined IntPoWriMo, posting a poem a day (or a critique of a poem) since the first of April.  Instead, I'm posting my morning pages: drafts and drills mostly found texts to help me figure out the things one can do to texts and fragments (or what they can do to you--that's more likely). They probably won't make much sense. Sometimes iIt's fun just to mess around. The next few blog entries will be experiments on a text on xanthic acid. Haven't made much progress (as the erasures still make some kind of [the usual] sense or other), but will try applying some of the stuff I'd read about lately and see what yields. The other text I'm working on is Josephine Bracken's "Discription of My Life". 

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